마케팅 전략/마케팅전략
뉴미디어 시대의 광고전략
2012. 2. 2. 09:10
시대의 변화에 따른 광고의 역할 과 현재의 뉴미디어 시대 광고 전략에 관해서 핵심적인 내용을 간략하게 잘 정리해 놓은 자료입니다. 더불어 이러한 내용을 기반으로 크리에이티브 전략 개발(Strategic Creative Development) 을 위한강좌를 개설하여 진행하고 있습니다.
Welcome to Strategic Creative Development
View more presentations from edward boches
1. The End of Us and Them
The transition from Bernbach to Zuckerberg
2. Strategy in the age of participation
What is the brief, what does it look like, what does it inspire?
3. Is the big idea dead or alive?
Do we need them? Integration vs cohesion.
4. Social from within
Being social vs using social
5. (Tuesday make up)
I am away this whole week: maybe a work session and visiting creative to work with students? With or without BU faculty person to help? Other idea?
6. Transmedia story telling
Complex narratives that inspire participation
7. Strategic and creative in the mobile space
Where on the funnel? Adding value through utility.
8. Learning from the individual
What we learn from Gary Vaynerchuk, Sheena Matheiken, et al
9. Creating experiences and owning the media
Go Mo, Shocking Barack, Chalkbot
10. Crowdsourcing
A marketing and creative tool/strategy
11. Inventing things
The importance of technology, innovation and APIs
12.Thinking Small (Wednesday)
Make great stuff with small budgets
13. Do brands need a soul?
Having a purpose. Richard Branson, Alex Bogusky, Simon Mainwaring
14. Bringing it all together