마케팅 전략/마케팅분석
디지털 광고 보다 정교해지고 성과지향적으로 변화
2007. 12. 20. 22:00
Accenture의 "Global Digital Advertising Study 2007"의 조사에 따르면 조사대상자의 79%가 넘게 디지털 광고가 측정이 보다 정교해 지고 성과지향적으로 변화할것이라고 응답했다.
관련기사:New focus on performance —new metrics
The industry leaders surveyed in the Accenture Global Digital Advertising Study 2007 agree unanimously that the advertising industry is facing a radical transformation — one that many participants are under-prepared for. An overwhelming 79 percent say that advertising will become more performance-based, as the industry moves towards precise measurement of results, rapidly delivered.
관련기사:New focus on performance —new metrics