스포츠 + TV스케쥴 + 뉴스를 결합한 Sports Social Media 지향
스포츠 + TV스케쥴 + 뉴스를 결합한 Sports Social Media 지향
TV에서 중계하는 스포츠 게임들의 경기스코어를 투표를 통해서 예측할 수 있으며 서로 공유할 수 있도록 하고 있다.
“Are You Watching This” (RUWT?) is a new sports fan site you can use to follow the most popular sports games on TV based on votes from the community and the real-time score of the game. It’s meant keep people from missing the really spectacular sports games as they develop.
The main page consists of a TV schedule listing all the sports events across the different TV networks that you use to vote on upcoming games. The default feed is based on east coast time, but you can customize by postal code and cable provider within the US and Canada. Each game in the TV schedule tells you where and when it will be aired, a written preview of the match, lets you vote, and lets you “shout” your opinion to a comment thread.
관련사이트:Are You Watching This