모바일 마케팅/Mobile Service
자신만의 모바일 게임 제작
2006. 6. 23. 19:23
자신만의 캐릭터 및 아파트를 데코레이션을 통하여 자신만의 모바일 게임을 제작할 수 있는 서비스이다.
관련회사:Pocket Pal
This is an interesting idea...Pocket Pal allows you to create your own mobile game in a mix'n'match fashion online before you download it to your mobile. "What you do is customise your character, decorate their apartment, and choose what mini-games you want to be included. Only then do you download the game to your phone, with all your chosen options."
It goes a bit further, from the website: "Pocket Pal product extends itself to multiple media formats such as television chat and community website with chat features and much more...Another medium or a way to play will be through pervasive gaming, meaning users can use tips and clues from the real world to play trough missions in their cellphones."
관련회사:Pocket Pal