
Collaboration and the creation of the Xbox 360

Marketcast 2006. 4. 7. 09:16
마이크로소프트의 게임 콘솔인 Xbox 360의 디자인 개발 뒷애기를 다루고 있다.
단순한 게임기로서의 기능이 아닌 디자인과의 결합을 통하여 브랜드를 강화시켰다.

Traditionally, industrial design, graphic design, user-interface design, advertising, and so on have been separate disciplines, with a product essentially being handed off from one to the other in logical sequence. However, delivering the integrated customer experience demanded today requires a more cooperative and, in many ways, more difficult approach.

관련기사:The New Game in Design/Collaboration and the creation of the Xbox 360