모바일 마케팅/Mobile Service
Consumers Concerns On Mobile TV
2006. 6. 23. 19:13
WaveMetrix 조사에 따르면 사용자는 모바일 TV에 관해서 속도 및 화상, 사운드, 배터리수명등에 관해서 고민하는것으로 나타났다.
WaveMetrix has studied online discussion forums to discover what consumers think about mobile TV -- or more specifically, what they are worried about in terms of the technology. "Whilst many consumers liked the idea and convenience of mobile TV they were worried about problems with speed, picture and sound quality and battery life which was dissuading them from adopting the service.관련자료:Consumers Concerns On Mobile TV
Handset manufacturers, carriers and TV producers will need to re-assure consumers before they release products if they want the wider market to buy into the idea of mobile TV services."