마케팅 전략/마케팅분석

Conversion Funnel 2.0

Marketcast 2006. 4. 7. 13:18

초기에 방문자가 웹사이트를 방문해서 구매에 이르기까지의 단계별 접근을 선형적인 Funnel 모델로 구성하여 전환비율을 분석하는 기법을 적용하였다.

그런데 오늘 Clickz의 "Shane Atchison"의 칼럼에서 최근의 고객의 구매패턴이 선형적인 프로세스에 의해서 이루어지는것이 아닌 비선형적인 패턴으로 이루어져 이에 대한 대응으로 "Conversion Funnel 2.0"을 제시하였다.

그가 제시한 "Conversion Funnel 2.0"은 기존에 구매가 이루어지는것이 최종 컨버전스의 "Goal"로 인식했던 기존의 Funnel모델에서 방문자 처음으로 인지한 Hub에 의해서 행동이 결정되는 "Hub-and-Spoke" 모델을 제시하였다.

The hub-and-spoke model places the product page at the hub, with multiple inbound spokes to products and outbound spokes to desired conversion paths and points. When you shift to this model, you get a more sophisticated view of your customers' interaction with your online business.

Inbound spokes include:

  • Organic search (visits to products originating from external search engines)
  • Paid search campaigns (visits to products from pay-per-click search campaigns)
  • On-site search (visits from search within site)
  • Navigation traffic (visits to products through site navigation)
  • E-mail promotions (visits to products via e-mail campaigns to customer lists)
  • Home page promotions (visits to featured products from home page callout)
  • Campaign landing pages (direct inbound traffic to campaign landing page)
  • Referred traffic (visits originating from passalongs, partner links, and influencers)
  • Offline campaigns (inbound traffic to friendly URLs leading to product interest)

Outbound spokes include:

  • Buy now (add to cart, purchase conversion)
  • Learn more (initiate other content, research conversion)
  • Try it on (use virtual dressing room, purchase intent conversion)
  • Customize it (use design configurator, personalization conversion)
  • Read reviews (initiate consumer-driven content, validation conversion)
  • Ask an expert (dialogue within social network, validation conversion)
  • Review this product (create consumer-driven content, feedback conversion)
  • Recommend to a friend (passalong e-mail application, viral conversion)
  • View movie (interact with branded content, brand experience conversion)

관련기사:Conversion Funnel 2.0