KFC의 암호해독 광고
2006. 4. 10. 10:32
KFC가 입소문 유발을 위하여 TV광고에 나타난 암호를 해독하도록 하는 광고캠페인을 전개하고 있다.
관련기사 KFC's Got a TV Secret
KFC today introduces a campaign that requires television viewers to replay an ad in slow motion in order to decipher a code and get a discount coupon.
According to KFC, consumers can "crack the code" by replaying the TV spot frame-by-frame. When screened in slow motion, an embedded "secret code" is revealed, along with directions on how to redeem the free offer. The offer is good for a $1-off coupon on KFC's new Buffalo Snacker sandwich.
관련기사 KFC's Got a TV Secret