Marketing to the Social Web 이외에 몇권의 원서
가장 관심있는 마케팅 및 인터넷 관련한 베스트셀러와 신간들을 살펴봤는데 트렌드에 맞게 Social Media에 관련된 신간들이 베스트 셀러에 올라와 있었습니다. 아래 책 둘다 새롭게 등장하는 Social Media에 관한 분석 및 마케팅 전략적 접근을 볼 수 있는 책들입니다.
Marketing to the Social Web: How Digital Customer Communities Build Your Busine
Section 1. Pandemonium: The Landscape of the Social Web.
1. The Web Is Not A Channel (And You're An Aggregator, Not A Broadcaster).
2. Community and Content: The Marketer's New Job (Or How to Cut Your Marketing Budget and Reach More People).
3. Making the Transition to the Social Web (First Change Your Mindset).
4. How to Let Customers Say What They Really Think (And Keep Your Job).
Section 2. How to Make the Most of the Social Web.
5. Step One: Observe and Create A Customer Map (Otherwise You Can’t Get There from Here).
6. Step Two: Recruit Community Members (With A New Toolbox and Your Own Marketing Skills).
7. Step Three: Evaluate Online Conduit Strategies (And Don’t Forget Search).
8. Step Four: Engage Communities in Conversation (To Generate Word of Mouse).
9. Step Five: Measure the Community's Involvement (Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How).
10. Step Six: Promote Your Community to the World (Get 'Em Talking and Clicking).
11. Step Seven: Improve the Community's Benefits (Don't Just Set It and Forget It).
12. The Reputation Aggregator Strategy (We're Number One!).
13. The Blog Strategy (Everybody's Talking At Me).
14. The E-Community Strategy (Go to Their Party or Throw Your Own).
15. The Social Networks Strategy (Connecting with a Click).
16. Living and Working in Web 4.0 (It's Right Around the Corner).
The New Influencers: A Marketer's Guide to the New Social Media
Introduction ix
How to Use this Book xv
The Origins of Social Media 1
From Chaos, Structure 15
Enthusiasts 33
Influencer Profile?he Gadget King 57
Measures of Influence 63
Corporate Conversations 79
Influencer Profile?he Corporate Renegade 103
Small Is Beautiful 113
Putting "Public" Back Into Public Relations 123
Influencer Profile?he Marketer 135
The Talkers 139
Influencer Profile?he Sound Man 157
Tools of the Trade 163
Influencer Profile?he Toolmaker 173
Going Viral 179
Influencer Profile?he Guerilla 191
Next Steps 195
Appendix A The Numbers 207
Appendix B Leveraging Technology 209
Glossary 219
Index 225
Value-Based Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Corporate Growth and Shareholder Value
PART I Principles of Value Creation
Marketing and Shareholder Value 3 (29)
Introduction and objectives
Managing in the twenty-first century
Measuring success: shareholder value
Marketing's lost influence
Marketing's new opportunity
The shareholder value principle
Challenges to shareholder value
Accounting-based performance measures
The changing role of marketing
The Shareholder Value Approach 32 (37)
Introduction and objectives
Principles of valuation
Shareholder value
Economic value added
Financial value drivers
Marketing value drivers
Organisational value drivers
Marketing applications of shareholder value
Limitations of shareholder value analysis
The Marketing Value Driver 69 (32)
Introduction and objectives
A new definition of marketing
Creating customer value
Building the differential advantage
Building relationships with customers
Implementing relationship marketing
Organisational requirements
The customer-focused organisation
The Growth Imperative 101 (46)
Introduction and objectives
Marketing, growth and shareholder value
Pathways to growth
Developing a growth strategy
PART II Developing High-Value Strategies
Strategic Position Assessment 147 (37)
Introduction and objectives
An overview
Assessing the current position
Explaining the current position
Projecting the future of the business
Implications of the strategic position
The value-based plan
Strategic objectives
Value-Based Marketing Strategy 184 (37)
Introduction and objectives
Why strategic marketing plans?
Corporate level planning
Business unit planning
The planning process
PART III Implementing High-Value Strategies
Building Brand Equity 221 (36)
Introduction and objectives
The role of intangible assets
The role of the brand
Brands and shareholder value
How to build brands
Issues in branding
Organising the brand portfolio
Valuing the brand
Pricing for Value 257 (38)
Introduction and objectives
Price and shareholder value
Pricing principles
Setting the price
Adapting prices to customers and products
Changing the price
Price management
Value-Based Communications 295 (25)
Introduction and objectives
Communications and shareholder value
Communications and customers
Developing a communications strategy
Allocating across communications channels
Valuing communications strategies
Value-Based Internet Marketing 320 (38)
Introduction and objectives
The growth and development of the Internet
Drivers of change in the new economy
Creating value through the web
Implications for marketing strategy
Building net brand value
Valuing web strategies
Future perspectives