모바일 마케팅/Mobile Service

Mobile 기반 "Second Life" - Comverse

Marketcast 2007. 3. 11. 18:51
Comverse, the wireless multimedia networking company that developed the software, demonstrated it this week for wireless carriers at the 3GSM conference in Barcelona, Spain.

Attendees using Comverse's phones could see and manipulate avatars who appeared in Comverse's virtual 3GSM booth inside Second Life. Using simple commands, they could direct the avatar to walk around the booth, identify other avatars, and send them greetings via SMS, MMS, or instant messaging.

And in a twist typical of today's virtual environments, people logged in to Second Life over traditional PC connections could walk into the virtual Comverse booth and pick up virtual phones that connected them directly to fellow members logged in from their real phones at the real booth.

Comverse also demonstrated software that connects users to Second Life from any platform that allows an Internet Protocol (IP) video connection, such as an advanced TV set-top box.

관련기사:New Portal to Second Life: Your Phone