Social Media Index
sixtysecondview 에서 블로그의 영향력을 보여주는 Social Media Index 지수를 개발하였다.
이 지수에 적용된 방법론 및 가중치는 아래와 같다.
a) Blogs
Google PageRank is a link analysis algorithm that interprets web links and assigns a numerical weighting to each site. High-quality sites receive a higher PageRank. The ranking uses the actual PageRank as part of its algorithm.
Bloglines displays the amount of subscribers each blog has to its feed(s). Subscriber ranges were determined and each range was assigned a number that was used as part of the algorithm.
Technorati ranking relates the authority of a particular blog (via the number of sites pointing to it). The more link sources referencing your blog, the higher the Technorati ranking. Similar to the Bloglines Subscribers value, and each range was assigned a number that was used as part of the algorithm.
Scores with strict criteria were assigned to content focus, frequency of posts and number of comments. The combined score was used as part of the algorithm.
Alexa ranks web pages based on usage of millions of people. It is a combined measure of page views and users (reach). As a first step, Alexa computes the reach and number of page views for all sites on the Web on a daily basis. The main Alexa traffic rank is based on the geometric mean of these two quantities averaged over time (so that the rank of a site reflects both the number of users who visit that site as well as the number of pages on the site viewed by those users). Ranks closer to 0 have been assigned a high number that was used as part of the algorithm.
b) Multi-Format
As a multi-format tool, Facebook was selected to identify a persons influence/popularity. Other formats such as MySpace could be used at a latter date. The number of friends was determined and each range was assigned a number that was used as part of the algorithm.
c) Mini-Updates
Twitter Friends and Followers Ranking
As a multi-format tool, Twitter was selected to identify a persons influence/popularity. Other formats such as Pownce could be used at a latter date. The number of friends and followers were combined to determine a total friends and followers score. Each range was assigned a number that was used as part of the algorithm.
Twitter Updates Ranking
The number of twitter updates was determined and each range was assigned a number which was combined with the friends and followers score to give a total that was used as part of the algorithm.
d) Business Cards
For Business Cards, LinkedIn was selected to identify a persons influence/popularity. Other formats such as Plaxo could be used at a latter date. The number of connections was determined and each range was assigned a number that was used as part of the algorithm.
e) Visual
For visual tools, Flickr was selected to identify a persons influence/popularity. Other formats such as YouTube could be used at a latter date. The number of pictures about uploaded about an individual or about that person was identified and assigned a number. Each range was assigned a number that was used as part of the algorithm.
f) Favourites
The number of Digg’s an individual has had was identified and assigned a number. Each range was assigned a number that was used as part of the algorithm.
The number of pages in an individuals own library was identified and assigned a number. Each range was assigned a number that was used as part of the algorithm. Others Library
The number of pages of an individuals own postings that have been saved in other users’ library was identified and assigned a number. Each range was assigned a number that was used as part of the algorithm.
Moving forward other tools such as Reddit will be included to make the scoring more complete.
g) Flexible weighting
출처:Social Media IndexEach specific social media outlet listed above was given a standard score out of 10. Using a flexible weighting scale it is possible to vary the importance of the different tools available and consequently establish different total scores of individuals web influence. For the table listed above the following weightings were used:
Blogs 30% Multi-Format (e.g. Facebook) 20% Mini-Updates (e.g. Twitter) 25% Business Cards (e.g. LinkedIn) 7% Visual (e.g. Flickr) 3% Favourites (e.g. Digg, 15% The weighting scale listed above was created through discussions with several key new media gurus. I do not anticipate this weighting scale to be the final standard and welcome everyone’s views as to what this should be.
Future copies of the Social Media Index will allow you to assign your own subjective weightings to the index to establish your own score.