모바일 마케팅/Mobile Service
The future of a futuristic device
2006. 4. 25. 10:32
This "living in the future" sense has both intrinsic and extrinsic attractions. In terms of intrinsic attraction, having futuristic devices suggests that the users have more insight and power than those left behind in the past. They are in several senses visitors who are experiencing today what others can only experience later. In terms of extrinsic attraction, future-oriented users can avail themselves of distinctive pleasures and conveniences. If knowledge is power, then the users of futuristic devices appear to have the knowledge to command resources and deal with various contingencies. In essence, this bestows power: they know what other people's future will be like. Having a sought-after mobile phone makes one the envy of one's peers, which is important given the essential role of competitiveness and status ranking processes that are an integral part of life in society. The importance is particularly vital to those who are young and undergoing identity formation.
관련기사:The future of a futuristic device / Receiver
관련사이트:Center for Mobile Communication Studies