Web2.0서비스 및 회사디렉토리
관련기사:The Definitive Directory of Web 2.0 Companies?BuzzShout - Excellent directory of Web 2.0 companies. Impressive. Includes site submission, ratings, tags, user profiles, and logo surfing. However, its openness might be problematic: many of the Web 2.0 companies listed seem to have been submitted and rated by the company creators themselves.
Web 2.0 List - simple memedigger for Web 2.0 companies. Vote on companies, add comments and explore using the tag cloud. Also links to Alexa, Digg, del.icio.us and Techcrunch tags where available.
Web 2.0 Logo - From the makers of Web 2.0 list. The difference is that you can explore companies based on their logos. And let’s face it - the logo is the most important part!
NEO Binaries - Wow. Really slick and thorough implementation of a Web 2.0 directory. Calls itself “download.com for Web 2.0 companies”. Includes screenshots, reviews, categorization, ratings and more. You can also subscribe to the latest applications via RSS. Really, really nice. Probably my favorite of the bunch, although it does list less companies than the other directories