마이크로소프트 Xbox 최고 기술책임자인 " Allard"가 GDC에서
keynote로 발표한 디지털트렌드 3가지
Hi Definition TV: "The trend is more than just resolution;look at what else is happening in the living room with time shifting and TiVo....They're watching their own digital videos, they're watching their own digital photos in the living room, they're even listening to digital music that's stored somewhere else on a PC in the house."
Hi Def Communication: "High def connectivity isn't just changing the way we communicate but it actually is going to change the expectations of our entertainment experiences going forward. We've all seen it in music today and we're going to see it more in television and movies and in games. "
Customization: "How are we going to take advantage of that consumer behavior and that urge to personalize and take that into our games? Well, the answer is simple; I mean, we just go out and build products that reflect the amazing shift that we're experiencing."
The Future of Games:Unlocking the Opportunity
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