다가오는 3G시장에 살아남기 위해서 어떻게 준비해야하나.
이책은 그 동안 3G시장을 기술적환경을 분석했던 책과는 달리 3G시장에서 데이터서비스를 제공하기 위한 고객세그먼트 및 제품관리 , 채널관리 , 파트너제휴전략등의 마케팅 관점에서 쓰여졌다.
3G Marketing : Communities and Strategic Partnerships
3G Marketing explains the role of early adopters, communities, reachability, brands, portals, and handsets to 3G success. It shows how success in 3G is dependent on successfully building strategic partnerships by covering issues from market intelligence to sales channel support.
Aimed at the non-technical person, this authoritative resource gives clear and practical advice on how to use modern marketing methods to promote and sell mobile services. It provides a perfect and invaluable introduction for anybody entering mobile telecoms or companies faced with the need to partner with operators as crucially, it explains how services and applications can be brought to the market in the fiercely competitive 3G marketplace.
M-Profits: Making Money from 3G Services
The general consensus in the telecoms industry is that that services will be driving this new UMTS/3G industry, and with no historical reference points, a large worldwide demand exists for this type of book.
m-Profits: Making Money from 3G Servives will discuss 3G services from the view of what is needed for the service to provide value to the user, which technical features of the 3G network will be used, what is the value proposition for the user, how will money be made out of delivering the service, and discussions on how revenue sharing propositions might work to benefit content providers and network operators.
3G Marketing : Communities and Strategic Partnerships
M-Profits: Making Money from 3G Services
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