인터넷 쇼핑몰에서 고객경험을 극대화 하여 소비자들이 오래머물고 수익을 극대화 하기 위한 방법을 소개하고 있다.
고객들이 제품을 쉽게 찾을수 있도록 검색기능을 보강하고 , UpSell & Cross Sell이 가능하도록 제품간의 네비게인션 구조를 개선하고 ,
전체적인 아이콘이나 색상등의 통일성을 부여하여 고객들이 혼동하지 않도록 하며 , 고객들이 제품을 편안하게 구매할 수 있도록 검색 , 지원 , 프로모션을 강화해야하며 , 고객들이 찾아오고 오래 머물수 있도록 프로모션기능을 강화하고 , 사이트 방문의 유저의 성향을 파악하여 성향에 맞는 마케팅이나 서비스를 지원하도록 해야한다는것이다.
• More than half of all products are not found by keyword searches return even though products can be found by link navigation. By making improvements to internal search, the average retailers should potentially double keyword-driven sales overnight.
• Lack of standardisation. Customers can expect a markedly different experience depending on which site they visit, which is very confusing for novice e-shoppers.
• The three critical areas of focus in terms of site and revenue optimisation are: Search, Support and Promotion. All retailers can make vast improvements in these areas to help inform users so they feel comfortable about buying products online.
• Promotion and persuasion leads to increased spend. Retailers are largely ignoring deep promotions such as bundles, special offers and Amazon-style free shipping. Consumers can be persuaded to buy more products.
• Users can be categorised in the following ways: tracker, hunter or explorer. Our research shows that all customer types can be catered for with interactive product guides, advanced filtering options for search results and online customer service tools.
• Half of the sites we looked at do not adopt liquid page layouts, meaning web users need to scroll to view content even though there is about 20% extra page width unused.
댓글 영역