최근 검색엔진 시장이 특정주제 및 산업에 촛점이 맞춰진 Vertical Search Engine을 개발하고 있는 추세이다.
The most recent product launches from engines and directories are aimed at marketers, particularly in vertical and local search. Just a few recent examples: Find.com teamed with ThomasB2B.com to create business listings of more than 550,000 industrial suppliers from 29 countries. KnowledgeStorm came out with "Click-to-Lead," a search solution IT managers can use -- without bothering to learn search engine marketing (SEM) principles. Both Yahoo and Overture enhanced their local search products with new, richer offerings. And did you hear? MSN is in the house -- with search. Justin Osmer, MSN marketing product manager, told me "a yellow pages-type directory is the next logical step" for MSN search. He also says "there's a lot to be done with personalization and vertical search tools," citing the "dials" on MSN Search can customize results to a searcher's preferences (see that bit above about the changing results page...). And Dariusz Paczuski, AOL's VP of local products, promised to reveal more about AOL's new local search products right after the holidays. The launch is promised for January.
Search-A-Palooza '04
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