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Whose word is more valuable -- Britney Spears’ or your best friend’s? If one of my colleagues tells me she loved 'Spanglish,' but the New York Times tells me it’s more vapid than 'Daredevil,' who am I more apt to believe? The first way to value a word-of-mouth interaction is by considering its relevance to the individual. The more honest, pure and trusted the conversation is, the stronger the impact. At Bolt, an unsolicited and unconscious peer recommendation would be awarded the highest CPM. Rewarding the recommender would lower the CPM. Having WOM ambassadors talk to people they don’t even know would lower the CPM further. All of these interactions may be valuable, but their interactions are valued differently.
According to research conducted by the Consumer Electronics Association in December 2004, 72 percent of teens want what their friends have. So, it’s worth a lot to inspire a conversation between two people who have a lot of friends, isn’t it? Media buyers ask themselves, if Nike can reach the quarterback of the football team right before practice with a message about a new high-performance cleat, how many banner ads does this equal? Within the word-of-mouth industry, marketers have a range of methods for identifying the most connected, most active, most influential individuals in a group. As an industry, we’re striving to articulate our methods clearly so they can indeed contribute to the valuation of the conversation.
In order for a conversation to make sense, it must be contextually relevant. Think about it, if you’re a teenager hanging out on gaming sites all day long, you’re much more apt to talk to your friends about a new artist with a track in your favorite game than a new sandwich at Burger King. As marketers are trying to place a value on a conversation, it’s vital to consider where, how and for how long the conversation is taking place. Are people mentioning the product in passing or raving about it in their blogs? Are they in an environment where a purchasing decision is top-of-mind? Is the content consistent with the context?
If the communicator is the same, conversations in person are more valuable than conversations taking place over the phone. People are generally more engaging face-to-face than they are on the phone. The same could be said of phone conversations vs. online chats. Email endorsements are great, but on the whole they are less of an impact and therefore, less valuable than verbal conversations.
The industry has not developed a formula to value conversations. We can’t tell you to take three parts authenticity, one part connectivity and 1.5 parts content and multiply it by a $30 CPM to figure out your spend, but at least we’re closer, as an industry, to figuring out what the formula’s ingredients are. As media buyers, you need to pay close attention to: authenticity -- who is talking to whom and for what reasons, connectivity -- how many conversations actually occur, context -- why is a given community talking about your product, and lastly, medium -- where are these conversations happening?
What’s the Value of a Conversation?
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