커뮤니티 측정 지표(Metric)
Number of sign-ups for community updates (e.g., newsletter opt-in)
Number of "send to a friend" messages
Time spent with community content (e.g., films, music)
Member conversion rate (percentage of completing goals)
Dollar amount of revenue influenced by community members
Percentage of revenue influenced by community members
Number of friends added in social networks (e.g., MySpace.com)
Number of blog views and comments
Number of sign-ups via member referrals (with or without incentives)
IC태그를 기반한 마케팅 분석 (0) | 2006.07.19 |
기억-환상 속의 해마(Hippocampus)와 마케팅의 타겟 편도핵(선호도) (0) | 2006.07.18 |
멀티채널 분석 Metrics (0) | 2006.05.04 |
웹분석과 온라인 브랜딩 메트릭스 (0) | 2006.04.26 |
Conversion Funnel 2.0 (0) | 2006.04.07 |
댓글 영역