The National Venture Capital Association’s 에 소속된 180명의 CEO 및 300명의 VC를 대상으로 2011년도 투자대상 업체에 관한 조사에 따르면 디지털미디어, 클라우드 컴퓨팅, 모바일 기술, 헬스케어 시장이 유력할것으로 조사 되었다.
- 51% of VCs surveyed expect venture investments to pick up in 2011. 24% expect it to remain flat, while another 24% predict a decrease
- 82% predict a rise in “consumer Internet and digital media” investments
- 80% predict increased activity around cloud computing
- 66% expect more investments in mobile and telecom
- 77% of VCs are bullish on health IT
- Only 28% of VCs surveyed believe clean technology will see an increase in investment from last year
- Only 38% expect increases in the energy sector
What’s Going to Be Big in Venture Capital in 2011?
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