Marketing and the Bottom Line
How Customers Think: Essential Insights into the Mind of the Market
Creating A Company for Customers: How to Build and Lead A Market-Driven Organization
IMC, The Next Generation: Five Steps for Delivering Value and Measuring Financial Returns Don E. Schultz and Heidi Schultz
The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently…and Why Richard Nisbett
How Brands Become Icons (0) | 2004.11.24 |
The Wisdom of Crowds (0) | 2004.11.08 |
마케터를 위한 Social Network 관련 서적들... (0) | 2004.10.01 |
유비쿼터스 마케팅을 이해하기 위한 몇권의 책들.. (0) | 2004.10.01 |
형태기가 추천하는 25권의 마케팅트렌드 도서 (0) | 2004.10.01 |
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