- Creators (Up to 3%) – Providers of original content.
- Contributors (3% to 10%) – Regular followers of creators who add to the online conversation.
- Opportunists (10% to 20%) – Erratic contributors depending on their needs at the time of searching.
- Lurkers (80%) – Spectators that benefit from other’s input but who don’t provide any content themselves.
맘블로거의 영향력 조사 (0) | 2008.10.24 |
The 7 Viral Video Campaign Elements (0) | 2008.08.26 |
ECO-ICONIC (0) | 2008.05.09 |
Tap your own beer in Czech and Irish pubs (0) | 2008.03.15 |
공간을 활용한 브랜드 아이덴티티 (0) | 2008.02.27 |
댓글 영역