관련기사:Old Media and New Media: Friends, Not FoesAlthough Apple Computer (AAPL; ranked 4 STARS, buy) isn't an Internet company, it also has become an important Internet distribution and money-making partner for TV companies. iTunes is the world's most popular online video store. As of September, 2006, Apple was selling more than 1 million videos a week, with content from more than 220 different TV shows. In September, the company announced a movie download service with more than 75 titles.
In addition, a number of smaller companies sell online video advertising to enable purveyors of online video content to make money from their offerings. We believe Google and Yahoo! also have notable opportunities in this area.
In our opinion, the faster traditional media firms work toward partnerships focused on making money from content, the sooner they will be able to reap the benefits.
집단지성을 통한 제품개발 CrowdSpirit (0) | 2006.12.11 |
투자거래 OpenMarket Prosper (1) | 2006.11.09 |
아미넷"싸이버시티"추억 및 i-neighbors (0) | 2006.09.13 |
웹2.0서비스의 인터넷 마케팅 전략 10가지 (0) | 2006.09.01 |
Web2.0에서 4P변화 (2) | 2006.07.04 |
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