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The Future of Music


by Marketcast 2005. 3. 18. 10:22


현재 다양한 음악비즈니스소개 및 앞으로 음악유통의 다양한 트렌드
를 분석한 책이다.아래사이트에 들어가면 블로그에 소개된 다양한
기고글들을 볼 수 있다.

1. Music Like Water
2. Our Top-10 Truths of the Music Business
3. Futurizing some Popular Music Industry Myths
4. The Future of Music Marketing and Promotion
5. The Future of Music Distribution and Acquisition
6. The Digital Kids and the Changing Marketplace
7. A New Music Economy
8. How Technology Will Rewire the Music Business
9. Megatrends that Will Impact the Future of Music
10. Onto the Future

관련사이트:The Future of Music

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